General Usage of Hydra
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- Login
ssh hydra
- Example of job.pbs file
### AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BATCH FILE # ### name of job #PBS -N [name_] # ### mail for begin/end/abort #PBS -m ea #PBS -M # ### maximum cpu time ####PBS -l cput=5000:00:00 #PBS -l walltime=30:00:00:00 # ### number of nodes and processors per node #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 # # ### queue ###PBS -q fast # ### indicates that job should not rerun if it fails #PBS -r n # ### stdout and stderr merged as stderr #PBS -j eo # ### write stderr to file #PBS -e log.err # ### the shell that interprets the job script #PBS -S /bin/bash cd /home/zonghui/Scratch/Multi_chain/Double_length_DNA_experiment/ppa12.peg5_cr_5_double_ka_4/ppa.cat12.pegcat2.peg5 #mpirun -np 2 /opt/lammps/lmp2013_mpi -in input.dat time /opt/lammps/lmp2013 < input.dat #/home/wei/Install/lammps/current/src/lmp_suse_linux < input.dat if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then touch COMPLETED fi
[job_location] This is the address of the folder where your input file is located.
[dd:hh:mm:ss] This is the maximum allowed running time for your job. dd: days; hh: hours; mm: minutes; ss: seconds.
[email_address] This is the email address you used to receive the system notice when job begins, aborted or ended.
[job_location] This is the address of the folder where your input file is located.
- Submit jobs
msb job.mbs
- Check job status
show all jobs
show your own jobs